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Martin Molina Attorney at Law

Self owned; Founded in 1989



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Areas of expertise
  • Legal and compliance services
  • Corporate/M&A
  • Corporate law
  • M&A transactions
  • Joint ventures
  • Banking and finance
  • Financial services and regulation
  • Banking
  • Capital markets
  • Collective investment schemes
  • Comercial
  • Associations and foundations
  • Business law
  • International Trade
  • Antitrust/Competition
  • Horizontal contracts
  • Regulatory issues
  • Trade issues
  • Intellectual property
  • Licensing of intellectual property rights
  • Trademark rights
  • Copyright
  • Protection of know-how
  • Data protection
  • Telecommunications law
  • Dispute resolution
  • Arbitration
  • Private clients
  • Cross-border structuring of wealth
  • Structures (trusts, foundations, …)
  • Real estate transactions
  • International tax advice
  • Residence planning
  • Legal representation of wealth managers
  • Real estate
  • Real estate and M&A transactions
  • Service contracts
  • Collective investment schemes/capital markets
  • Finance
  • Tax
  • Due diligence services
  • Operational due diligence
  • Investment due diligence
  • Auditing services
  • Data rooms
  • Fund services
  • Upfront consulting
  • Fund administration
  • Custody
  • Trading
  • Regulatory & compliance services
  • Fund governance
  • Fund operations
  • Country specific help
  • Risk management/reporting
  • Banking services
  • Branch and retail services
  • Financing
  • Merger & Acquisitions
  • Custodian services
  • Underwriting
  • Brokerage/Payment
  • Insurance services
  • Pension schemes
  • General insurance policies
  • Catastrophe insurance policies
  • Insurance broker/advisory
  • Life insurance policies
  • Consulting for investing
  • Market research
  • Investment consulting/advisory
  • Risk management consulting
  • Benchmarking
  • Capital introduction
  • Sales & Marketing
  • Communication
  • Advertising
  • Fintech
  • Finance management
  • Alternative financing
  • ICT
  • Software
  • Hardware services
  • Data services
  • General services
  • HR services
  • Finance & accounting
  • Real estate services
  • Planning & building
  • Property utillization
  • Evaluation & financing
  • Facility/property management
  • Investment research
  • Company research
  • Technical research
  • Asset class
  • Thematic research
  • Credit, rates & currencies
  • Industry
  • Commodities
  • Macro & politics

Served jurisdictions


We speak

My professional legal international services are constitution of offshore Panamanian corporations, private interest foundations, opening of operational banking or savings accounts in banks or banks, obtaining banking licenses for private and investment banking, trusts, flagging of ships, financial entities, cooperatives, correspondent of foreign firms, sale of four companies, foundation, and provi
